



North Dallas










Royse City


Resistant Hypertension

Resistant Hypertension in Dallas and Rowlett TX

Resistant Hypertension

Resistant hypertension can be dangerous, and if you are struggling with this condition, the Consultants of Kidney Disease team can help. We have offices spanning Dallas, North Dallas, Rockwall, Rowlett, Mesquite, Royse City, Plano, Richardson, and Lancaster, TX.

What Is Resistant Hypertension?

Hypertension is another word for high blood pressure. If you have chronically high blood pressure or hypertension, the doctor undoubtedly orders antihypertensive medication to help bring your blood pressure down within normal limits.

Specialists in Dallas, North Dallas, Rockwall, Rowlett, Mesquite, Royse City, Plano, Richardson, and Lancaster, TX, explain that when your blood pressure does not respond to these antihypertensive medications, your blood pressure is considered to be resistant to these medications, thus you have resistant hypertension.

Consistent high blood pressure puts you at risk for heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure. You must display four criteria before we can say you have resistant hypertension.

  • You are taking three different antihypertensive medications
  • One antihypertensive medication is a diuretic
  • Blood pressure remains above 130/80
  • If your blood pressure requires four or more medications to control your blood pressure numbers

Describing High Blood Pressure

When blood pushes against the artery walls, it causes a force known as blood pressure. This force is created with each heartbeat as blood enters the blood vessels.

Your blood pressure depends on the size, elasticity, and tone of the walls of your arteries. The kidneys also play a role in your blood pressure, as they regulate fluid and salt in your body.

While everyone’s body is different, the average blood pressure runs about 130/80. Chronic high blood pressure damages large and small arteries over time because your heart must work harder to pump blood through your body.

Symptoms of Resistant Hypertension

You may or may not have symptoms of high blood pressure, but it can include,

  • Headaches
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain
  • Nosebleeds
  • Dizziness (low, not high, blood pressure)

We can help you control your blood pressure, thus avoiding complications like a heart attack, stroke, or kidney failure. But we can’t help unless you call us for a consultation appointment.

Kidney Disease Specialists in Texas

If you suffer from resistant hypertension, schedule an appointment with any Consultants of Kidney Disease doctors in Dallas, North Dallas, Rockwall, Rowlett, Mesquite, Royse City, Plano, Richardson, Lancaster, TX, and surrounding communities. 

We want to meet with you, review your medical history, and help you control your blood pressure. So call (469) 904-2020 today.

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